Black Arts Movement


        I want to discuss how I have been influenced as a significant fan of numerous SEA community-based projects. I am deeply influenced by the group of African artists known as the Black Arts Movement (BAM), which provided me with more inspiration for future projects. The BAM was active from about 1965 to 1975, and it was formed as a significant response to fight against the struggle and oppression of the Black community. The BAM was inspired by heroes like Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. This movement was a way to show the aesthetics of Blackness through influential artistic works. It was devoted to deriving justice against white people and fighting for black’s rights against struggle through the creation of poetry, novels, theater, and arts. The BAM became one of the main movements to help solve and develop solutions for Black economics, which was trying to make better cultural autonomy by preaching in black communities here in the United States. The BAM became one of the roots of African artists in the sector of the Civil Rights Movement, and it was a big part of the egalitarian movement. In addition, the BAM was part of an African cultural movement to fight against colonialism, neocolonialism, and racism against minorities.


Who are involved in Social Sustainability Projects in a community-based projects, which can we represent African heritage in a Social Sustainability Art Projects?

How do we start to get involve and join a local group in a Social Sustainable Art Project?

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